Science & Space

Setting fire to a million acres of California could cut...

As California expands its prescribed burning efforts, a study of more than 180 s...

Habitable planets could have formed at the dawn of the ...

Worlds with liquid water could have formed just 200 million years after the big ...

Surge in ocean heat is a sign climate change is acceler...

The rate of warming in the oceans has more than quadrupled since 1985, suggestin...

Twisted light may illuminate how quantum spookiness works

Physicists have verified a connection between two counterintuitive quantum prope...

Most detailed survey of particles around the sun reveal...

More than a decade of data about the particles zipping around our sun could be u...

The 100-year-old symmetry theorem that is still changin...

Emmy Noether was hailed as a mathematical genius in her own time. And her theore...

Indoor cannabis farms in US use more energy than all ot...

Two-thirds of US cannabis is grown indoors, requiring lights and temperature con...

Enigmatic people who took over Europe millennia ago cam...

A huge study of ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Yamna, who spread across ...

Asteroid 2024 YR4 may hit Earth in 2032 – how worried s...

The risk of asteroid 2024 YR4 hitting Earth seems to be creeping up as astronome...

The perfect boiled egg takes more than half an hour to ...

If you have the patience to repeatedly switch an egg between a hot and a colder ...

New device can scan your face in 3D from hundreds of me...

A lidar scanner has a resolution so high it can image ridges and indentations of...

Scientists fear losing essential climate data during Tr...

A temporary loss of access to key datasets on levels of CO2 in the atmosphere ad...

Digital twins are speeding up manufacturing

Makers of Formula 1 cars and jet engines are leading the way

Billionaire space travel heads for a new frontier

Flying on Elon Musk’s spaceship; sponsored by Doritos

Digital twins are making companies more efficient

They will also help them reap the benefits of advances in AI

New tech can make air-conditioning less harmful to the ...

The key is energy efficiency

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