New Scientist - Online news

Grand canyons formed on moon in minutes after colossal ...

Two canyons that splay out from a vast asteroid crater on the moon may have been...

Arctic geoengineering project shut down over danger to ...

The non-profit Arctic Ice Project was experimenting with using silica beads to s...

Is cleaner air accelerating global warming more than we...

Reductions in air pollution have helped warm the planet by cutting down on refle...

Volcano-scorched Roman scroll is read for the first tim...

A papyrus scroll carbonised by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius two millennia ago ...

The superconductivity of layered graphene is surprising...

The odd superconductivity found in layered graphene may bring us closer to under...

Cuddling koalas show unexpected sociable side in surpri...

A group of male koalas were filmed grooming and playing together, in contrast to...

Old fighter jets can be melted down and 3D printed into...

Turning old fighter jets into a fine powder and using that to 3D print new compo...

Robot made from pig gelatin biodegrades when no longer ...

Pig gelatin can be used to make a robotic arm that safely biodegrades, rather th...

Astronomers have spotted the largest known object in th...

The Quipu superstructure is enormous, spanning 1.4 billion light years – and it ...

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