New Scientist - Online news

How the XB-1 aircraft went supersonic without a sonic boom

When the experimental XB-1 aircraft achieved supersonic speeds on a test flight,...

There’s a tiny chance the asteroid headed for Earth cou...

If asteroid 2024 YR4 does smash down on the lunar surface, the explosion might b...

Forces deep underground seem to be deforming Earth's in...

Seismic waves suggest the planet's solid inner core is being pulled out of shape...

Have we already breached the 1.5°C global warming target?

Although the climate goals set by the Paris Agreement are based on the long-term...

Distant exoplanet may be the most volcanic world ever f...

A rocky planet less than half the mass of Earth seems to have an atmosphere made...

How meteorites are rewriting the history of the solar s...

There are many theories about how dynamics in the early solar system led to the ...

Engineered bacteria could break down unrecyclable nylon...

Clothes and fishing nets that are made of nylon often end up in landfill or dump...

Stunning image shows the closest ever Einstein ring

Albert Einstein himself thought that the eponymous Einstein ring would be imposs...

Habitable planets could have formed at the dawn of the ...

Worlds with liquid water could have formed just 200 million years after the big ...

This optical illusion expands as you stare at it - and ...

Using a computer model of the retina, researchers have been able to trace the ca...

Blue Origin vs SpaceX: Who is winning the battle of the...

Blue Origin and SpaceX both launched rockets on 16 January, but while Jeff Bezos...

Setting fire to a million acres of California could cut...

As California expands its prescribed burning efforts, a study of more than 180 s...

Carbon removal schemes on farms could change Earth’s re...

Carbon removal schemes involving enhanced rock weathering should consider whethe...

Surge in ocean heat is a sign climate change is acceler...

The rate of warming in the oceans has more than quadrupled since 1985, suggestin...

The 100-year-old symmetry theorem that is still changin...

Emmy Noether was hailed as a mathematical genius in her own time. And her theore...

Most detailed survey of particles around the sun reveal...

More than a decade of data about the particles zipping around our sun could be u...

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