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Unusual weather patterns and climate change have been driving stark changes in t...
The discovery of an 11,000-year-old village in Saskatchewan could rewrite Indige...
Scientists have cooled qubits to record low temperatures using a quantum refrige...
Trovants are rocks that grow by absorbing minerals from rainwater. Romania is ho...
SPHEREx is slated to launch Feb. 27 on a SpaceX rocket. It is meant to map the e...
A branch of the H5N1 bird flu family tree that hadn't previously been seen in ca...
Scientists are studying the vaginal microbiome in populations all around the wor...
A 2,000-year-old Herculaneum scroll buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius is ...
Mars will appear to make an ultraclose approach to the moon on Sunday, after Jup...
A new virus that is related to the deadly Nipah and Hendra viruses has been dete...
Archaeologists discovered ancient Roman inscriptions and a 1,900-year-old coin w...
New 3D maps of the Greenland Ice Sheet show how huge cracks in the ice that acce...
A new study has greatly expanded the number of gene variants thought to be tied ...