CIO Podcast – Episode 92: Change Management with Bradd Busick

For the 92nd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Bradd Busick, SVP, Chief Information Officer at MultiCare Health System to talk about change management! We kick this episode off by discussing how Busick has been thinking about and approaching digital transformation in his organization as an action […]

Mar 24, 2025 - 17:03
CIO Podcast – Episode 92: Change Management with Bradd Busick

For the 92nd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by Bradd Busick, SVP, Chief Information Officer at MultiCare Health System to talk about change management! We kick this episode off by discussing how Busick has been thinking about and approaching digital transformation in his organization as an action rather than just a buzzword. Next, we talk about some of the keys to successfully managing change as a leader. Then with change often being a topic that people are resistant to, we talk about how to get around that to make innovation a reality. Busick then shares with us the kinds of pressures MultiCare Health System has been feeling for a retail/consumer experience and how that has been impacting the organization. Next, we talk about the project Busick is most excited about and why. Lastly, we conclude this episode with Busick sharing the best piece of advice he’s received in his career.

Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:

  • How are you thinking about and approaching digital transformation as more than just a buzzword?
  • Change management is one of the hardest things to manage as a leader, what are some of the keys to doing it successfully?
  • Everyone wants innovation, but no one wants to change. Extending the change management conversation, how do you make innovation a reality?
  • What kind of pressures is your organization feeling for a retail/consumer experience and how’s that impacting your organization?
  • What’s the project you’re most excited about and why?
  • What has been the best piece of advice you’ve gotten in your career?

Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today.

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