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NASA and European scientists explain how they calculate the probability of the s...
A BBC documentary crew in Northern Ireland stumbled upon a fungus that hijacks s...
Scientists published a full genetic sequence of the genes that make some white c...
The mix of features offers new clues to how plesiosaurs navigated prehistoric oc...
Some paleontologists think that fossils recovered from Antarctica are evidence o...
A new study claims to have identified the first speakers of Indo-European langua...
Scientists were slow to recognize that Covid spreads through the air. Some are n...
The government space agency has vocally promoted diversity and inclusion for dec...
A group of scientists studying the San Fermín festival in Pamplona, Spain, belie...
Faster, easier, and cheaper. The post How 3D-printed parts changed the NASCAR C...
The AI chatbot wants to be a proper digital assistant. The post How to use tasks...
Don't chuck your old laptop in a drawer. The post 4 clever uses for an old Mac a...
For starters, it gives me the option to type, touch, and swipe with its touchscr...
Soooo can I eat my noodles if a dog pooped nearby? The post Can bad smells harm ...
HostVerge's Tier 4 plan offers unlimited domain hosting, storage, bandwidth, and...