Researchers warn that zolpidem dependence and abrupt withdrawal can be life-threatening

Study with addicted women at Hospital das Clínicas shows severe effects of improper use of insomnia medication and its sudden withdrawal; in 2024, Anvisa (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) began requiring a blue prescription (used for medications that can potentially cause addiction) for its sale

Fev 7, 2025 - 13:53
Researchers warn that zolpidem dependence and abrupt withdrawal can be life-threatening
Mulher com o rosto embaçado segura um comprimido. Foto em preto e brancoStudy with addicted women at Hospital das Clínicas shows severe effects of improper use of insomnia medication and its sudden withdrawal; in 2024, Anvisa (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) began requiring a blue prescription (used for medications that can potentially cause addiction) for its sale