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A study published in the journal Science Advances from researchers at the Univer...
For decades, lab-made antibodies have been used to support patients fighting spe...
Through strategic investment and collaboration, African livestock systems can ha...
Research from Umeå University paves the way for a quantitative data analysis met...
In a new study published in the journal Resources, Environment and Sustainabilit...
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are improving weather forecasting mode...
Micro- and nanoscale plastic particles in soil and water can significantly incre...
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a new synthetic approa...
Particle detectors play a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental b...
Light is a primary driver of visual evolution in shrimp, according to new FIU re...
The commonplace phenomenon of liquid drops falling from a surface is—perhaps sur...
Monash researchers have developed a novel AI program to assist scientists in the...
CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, has developed an advanced artificial...
Three small NASA rovers that will explore the lunar surface as a team have been ...
You may have seen images of seabirds that have built their nests on discarded ne...
Colorado's forests store a massive amount of carbon, but dying trees—mostly due ...