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Road to Virtual Reality

‘Stranger Things VR’ Studio’s Next Project ‘Face Jumpin...

Tender Claws, the studio behind Stranger Things VR (2024) and Virtual Virtual R...


Bourla says Pfizer could transfer production to US to s...

Pfizer could “quickly” transfer operations from foreign sites to its US manufact...

Nature - Issue - nature.com science feeds

Daily briefing: What another round of layoffs means for...

Nature, Published online: 03 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00687-yA second ...

Nature - Issue - nature.com science feeds

China’s supreme court calls for crack down on paper mills

Nature, Published online: 04 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00612-3China’s t...

Nature - Issue - nature.com science feeds

Compulsive shopping is surging: what makes people buy l...

Nature, Published online: 04 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00615-0From Chin...


Spectacular photo taken from ISS shows 'gigantic jet' o...

A newly unveiled astronaut photo shows a "gigantic jet" shooting upward from a t...

New Scientist - Environment

From headaches to tics, how mass nocebo effects spread ...

Social media is enabling health symptoms and mass psychogenic illnesses to sprea...

New Scientist - Environment

When did time begin? Hint: It wasn’t at the big bang

You may think that time started 13.8 billion years ago at the birth of the unive...

New Scientist - Environment

The 7 most consequential moments in the history of ever...

From the beginning of time to the origins of life, our "when" special series tac...

New Scientist - Environment

Why it’s so hard to tell when Homo sapiens became a dis...

The more we discover about our species' family tree, the harder it becomes to pi...

New Scientist - Environment

When did the first galaxies form? Earlier than we thoug...

By looking ever further back in time, the James Webb Space Telescope is at last ...

New Scientist - Environment

When did life begin on Earth? New evidence reveals a sh...

Fossils and genetics are starting to point to life emerging surprisingly soon af...


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