What You Need to Know About the Proposal for Signals in JavaScript on Web Rush #281
Manfred Steyer helps us understand how Signals works in Angular, as well as it's importance in general. How are Signals going to change our world? Why is asynchronicity important? And what is Signals replacing that we're doing currently?
Manfred Steyer helps us understand how Signals works in Angular, as well as it's importance in general. How are Signals going to change our world? Why is asynchronicity important? And what is Signals replacing that we're doing currently?
- John Papa @John_Papa
- Ward Bell @WardBell
- Manfred Steyer @ManfredSteyer
Recording date: May 2, 2024
Brought to you by
- Manfred Steyer’s blog post on Successful with Signals in Angular – 3 Effective Rules for Your Architecture
- Angular Signals Blog Post
- Component Communication with Signals, Inputs, Two-way Bindings, and Content/ View Queries
- Advanced Angular Architecture Workshop
- Manfred’s Overview of Signals in Angular
- Manfred Steyer on Twitter
- Article about the TC39 Proposal for Native Signals in JavaScript
- TC39 Proposal for Native Signals in JavaScript
- What are Angular Signals
- What is a Race Condition?
- 00:28 Sending Ward off on an adventure
- 01:44 The evolution of signals
- 06:00 TC39 Proposal for Native Signals in JavaScript
- 08:23 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 09:26 How are signals going to change our world?
- 18:23 What is double count doing that's different than count?
- 23:16 Why is it important that it's asynchronous?
- 27:15 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 28:10 What is signals replacing?
- 33:28 What do people need to know about signals?
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.