The Legend of the Enchanted Forest – Animated Scrolling with GSAP

Immerse yourself in an interactive adventure featuring scrolling effects (ScrollTrigger) and GSAP animations. Each section reveals a chapter of the story, accompanied by images and a dynamic progress bar. This code demonstrates: Animating text and images on scroll Theme switching (day, sunset, night) A smooth navigation system using buttons and progress icons Perfect for discovering advanced animation techniques and interactive storytelling on CodePen. Don’t forget to customize the theme or style for your own projects!

Jan 21, 2025 - 00:52
The Legend of the Enchanted Forest – Animated Scrolling with GSAP

Immerse yourself in an interactive adventure featuring scrolling effects (ScrollTrigger) and GSAP animations. Each section reveals a chapter of the story, accompanied by images and a dynamic progress bar. This code demonstrates:

Animating text and images on scroll Theme switching (day, sunset, night) A smooth navigation system using buttons and progress icons Perfect for discovering advanced animation techniques and interactive storytelling on CodePen. Don’t forget to customize the theme or style for your own projects!

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