The Lazy Engineer’s Guide to Automating Timesheets: Part 1

Ah, timesheets. The Lex Luthor of every software engineer’s existence. If you’re like me, you’d rather debug a race condition at 3 a.m. than spend even five minutes documenting what you did all day. But alas, as freelancers or full-time employees, we’re often stuck with this tedious chore. This year, I hit my breaking point. After a whirlwind of projects—some canceled, some pivoted, and others shelved indefinitely—I found myself staring down the barrel of a year-end timesheet deadline. The thought of manually reconstructing my entire year’s work made me want to scream. So, I did what any self-respecting engineer would do: I decided to automate the problem away. This is the story of how I turned a day of dread into a coding adventure. Buckle up—it’s going to be a lazy, efficient ride. The Problem: Timesheets Are the Worst Let’s set the scene: The Task: Document every hour spent on every task for the entire year. The Obstacle: My memory is about as reliable as a flaky integration test. The Deadline: One day. Yes, one day. I knew I couldn’t do this manually. So, I hatched a plan to pull data from all the tools I use daily—JIRA, Git, Slack, and Outlook—and stitch it together into a coherent timesheet. The Tools of the Trade Here’s what I used: JIRA: For tracking tasks and tickets. Git: For commit history (because every good engineer ties commits to tickets, right?). Slack: For team communication (because meetings and messages count too). Outlook: For calendar events (because apparently, meetings are work too). Step 1: Pulling JIRA Tickets My first stop was JIRA. I needed to pull all the tickets assigned to me within a specific date range. Thankfully, JIRA has a robust API, and with a little Python magic, I was able to automate this process. The Script Here’s the Python script I wrote to fetch JIRA tickets: import os from jira import JIRA import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import logging import sys from typing import List, Dict, Any import argparse # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class JiraTicketPuller: def __init__(self, server: str, email: str, api_token: str): """ Initialize JIRA client with authentication credentials. Args: server: JIRA server URL email: User's email for authentication api_token: JIRA API token """ try: self.jira = JIRA(server=server, basic_auth=(email, api_token))"Successfully connected to JIRA") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to connect to JIRA: {str(e)}") sys.exit(1) def get_user_tickets( self, username: str, start_date: str, end_date: str ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Retrieve all tickets assigned to a user within a date range. Args: username: JIRA username to search for start_date: Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format end_date: End date in YYYY-MM-DD format Returns: List of dictionaries containing ticket information """ try: # Construct JQL query jql_query = ( f'assignee = {username} AND ' f'created >= {start_date} AND ' f'created

Jan 29, 2025 - 01:13
The Lazy Engineer’s Guide to Automating Timesheets: Part 1

Ah, timesheets. The Lex Luthor of every software engineer’s existence. If you’re like me, you’d rather debug a race condition at 3 a.m. than spend even five minutes documenting what you did all day. But alas, as freelancers or full-time employees, we’re often stuck with this tedious chore.

This year, I hit my breaking point. After a whirlwind of projects—some canceled, some pivoted, and others shelved indefinitely—I found myself staring down the barrel of a year-end timesheet deadline. The thought of manually reconstructing my entire year’s work made me want to scream. So, I did what any self-respecting engineer would do: I decided to automate the problem away.

This is the story of how I turned a day of dread into a coding adventure. Buckle up—it’s going to be a lazy, efficient ride.

The Problem: Timesheets Are the Worst

Let’s set the scene:

  • The Task: Document every hour spent on every task for the entire year.

  • The Obstacle: My memory is about as reliable as a flaky integration test.

  • The Deadline: One day. Yes, one day.

I knew I couldn’t do this manually. So, I hatched a plan to pull data from all the tools I use daily—JIRA, Git, Slack, and Outlook—and stitch it together into a coherent timesheet.

The Tools of the Trade

Here’s what I used:

  1. JIRA: For tracking tasks and tickets.

  2. Git: For commit history (because every good engineer ties commits to tickets, right?).

  3. Slack: For team communication (because meetings and messages count too).

  4. Outlook: For calendar events (because apparently, meetings are work too).

Step 1: Pulling JIRA Tickets

My first stop was JIRA. I needed to pull all the tickets assigned to me within a specific date range. Thankfully, JIRA has a robust API, and with a little Python magic, I was able to automate this process.

The Script

Here’s the Python script I wrote to fetch JIRA tickets:

import os
from jira import JIRA
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import sys
from typing import List, Dict, Any
import argparse

# Configure logging
    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class JiraTicketPuller:
    def __init__(self, server: str, email: str, api_token: str):
        Initialize JIRA client with authentication credentials.

            server: JIRA server URL
            email: User's email for authentication
            api_token: JIRA API token
            self.jira = JIRA(server=server, basic_auth=(email, api_token))
  "Successfully connected to JIRA")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Failed to connect to JIRA: {str(e)}")

    def get_user_tickets(
        username: str, 
        start_date: str, 
        end_date: str
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        Retrieve all tickets assigned to a user within a date range.

            username: JIRA username to search for
            start_date: Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format
            end_date: End date in YYYY-MM-DD format

            List of dictionaries containing ticket information
            # Construct JQL query
            jql_query = (
                f'assignee = {username} AND '
                f'created >= {start_date} AND '
                f'created <= {end_date} '
                'ORDER BY created DESC'

            # Fields to retrieve
            fields = [

            # Get issues using JQL
            issues = self.jira.search_issues(
                maxResults=1000,  # Adjust based on your needs

            tickets_data = []
            for issue in issues:
                ticket = {
                    'Key': issue.key,
                    'Summary': issue.fields.summary,
                    'Status': str(issue.fields.status),
                    'Priority': str(issue.fields.priority),
                    'Issue Type': str(issue.fields.issuetype),
                    'Created': issue.fields.created[:10],  # Get date only
                    'Updated': issue.fields.updated[:10],  # Get date only
                    'Project': str(issue.fields.project),
                    'Components': ', '.join([str(c) for c in issue.fields.components]),
                    'Description': issue.fields.description or ''

  "Retrieved {len(tickets_data)} tickets for user {username}")
            return tickets_data

        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error retrieving tickets: {str(e)}")
            return []

    def export_to_csv(self, tickets: List[Dict[str, Any]], output_file: str):
        Export tickets data to CSV file.

            tickets: List of ticket dictionaries
            output_file: Path to output CSV file
            if not tickets:
                logger.warning("No tickets to export")

            df = pd.DataFrame(tickets)
            df.to_csv(output_file, index=False, encoding='utf-8')
  "Successfully exported tickets to {output_file}")

        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error exporting to CSV: {str(e)}")

def validate_date(date_str: str) -> bool:
    """Validate date string format (YYYY-MM-DD)."""
        datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def main():
    # Set up argument parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Pull JIRA tickets for a user within a date range'
    parser.add_argument('--username', required=True, help='JIRA username')
    parser.add_argument('--start-date', required=True, help='Start date (YYYY-MM-DD)')
    parser.add_argument('--end-date', required=True, help='End date (YYYY-MM-DD)')
        help='Output CSV file path'

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Validate dates
    if not all(validate_date(date) for date in [args.start_date, args.end_date]):
        logger.error("Invalid date format. Please use YYYY-MM-DD")

    # Configuration
    JIRA_SERVER = os.getenv("JIRA_SERVER")
    JIRA_EMAIL = os.getenv("JIRA_EMAIL")
    JIRA_API_TOKEN = os.getenv("JIRA_API_TOKEN")

    # Initialize ticket puller
    puller = JiraTicketPuller(JIRA_SERVER, JIRA_EMAIL, JIRA_API_TOKEN)

    # Get and export tickets
    tickets = puller.get_user_tickets(
    puller.export_to_csv(tickets, args.output)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Ensure JIRA API token is set
    if not os.getenv("JIRA_API_TOKEN"):
        logging.error("JIRA_API_TOKEN environment variable not set")

How It Works

  1. Authentication: The script uses your JIRA email and API token to authenticate.

  2. JQL Query: It constructs a JQL query to fetch tickets assigned to you within a date range.

  3. Data Export: The results are exported to a CSV file for easy analysis.

Step 2: Fetching Git Commits

Next, I turned to Git. Since our team follows a practice of including JIRA ticket IDs in commit messages, I wrote a script to extract commit data and map it to tickets.

The Script

import subprocess
import csv
import re

def get_git_commits(since_date=None, author=None):
    # Get commit data with full commit message
    cmd = ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%h|%ad|%s', '--date=iso']

    if since_date:
        cmd.extend(['--since', since_date])
    if author:
        cmd.extend(['--author', author])

    result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
    commits = result.stdout.strip().split('\n')

    # Process commits to extract JIRA IDs
    processed_commits = []
    jira_pattern = re.compile(r'JIRA:\s*([A-Z]+-\d+)')

    for commit in commits:
        if commit:  # Skip empty lines
            hash_id, date, message = commit.split('|', 2)
            jira_match =
            jira_id = if jira_match else ''

                'date': date,
                'commit': hash_id,
                'jira_id': jira_id

    # Write to CSV
    csv_filename = 'git_commits_jira.csv'
    fieldnames = ['date', 'commit', 'jira_id']

    with open(csv_filename, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

    return processed_commits

How It Works

  1. Git Log: The script uses git log to fetch commit history.

  2. JIRA ID Extraction: It uses regex to extract JIRA ticket IDs from commit messages.

  3. CSV Export: The results are saved to a CSV file for later use.

Step 3: Tackling Slack Messages

Slack was trickier. Messages are context-heavy, and mapping them to specific tasks isn’t straightforward. I briefly considered using AI to parse the data but decided against it due to cost and complexity. Instead, I created a generic ticket to capture communication time and wrote a script to fetch Slack messages.

The Script

import os
from datetime import datetime
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError
import pandas as pd

def get_all_conversations(client):
    Get all conversations (channels, private channels, and DMs) the bot has access to.

        client: Slack WebClient instance

        list: List of conversation objects
    conversations = []

        # Get all conversations (channels, private channels, and DMs)
        result = client.conversations_list(

        # Handle pagination
        while result.get("response_metadata", {}).get("next_cursor"):
            cursor = result["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"]
            result = client.conversations_list(

    except SlackApiError as e:
        print(f"Error fetching conversations: {e.response['error']}")

    return conversations

def get_user_info(client, user_id):
    Get user information from their ID.

        client: Slack WebClient instance
        user_id: User's Slack ID

        dict: User information including real name and email
        result = client.users_info(user=user_id)
        user = result["user"]
        return {
            "real_name": user.get("real_name", "Unknown"),
            "email": user.get("profile", {}).get("email", "Unknown"),
            "display_name": user.get("profile", {}).get("display_name", "Unknown")
    except SlackApiError:
        return {"real_name": "Unknown", "email": "Unknown", "display_name": "Unknown"}

def get_messages_from_conversation(client, channel_id, channel_name, start_date, end_date):
    Retrieve messages from a specific conversation within a date range.

        client: Slack WebClient instance
        channel_id (str): The ID of the Slack channel
        channel_name (str): The name of the Slack channel
        start_date (str): Start date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
        end_date (str): End date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'

        list: List of messages within the date range
    messages = []
    start_timestamp = int(datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp())
    end_timestamp = int(datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp())

        # Initialize the cursor for pagination
        cursor = None
        while True:
            # Get messages using conversations.history
            result = client.conversations_history(

            # Process messages
            for msg in result['messages']:
                user_id = msg.get('user')
                user_info = get_user_info(client, user_id) if user_id else {
                    "real_name": "Unknown",
                    "email": "Unknown",
                    "display_name": "Unknown"

                message_data = {
                    'channel_name': channel_name,
                    'channel_id': channel_id,
                    'text': msg.get('text', ''),
                    'user_id': user_id,
                    'user_name': user_info['real_name'],
                    'user_email': user_info['email'],
                    'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(float(msg['ts'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
                    'thread_ts': msg.get('thread_ts', None)

            # Check if there are more messages to fetch
            cursor = result.get('response_metadata', {}).get('next_cursor')
            if not cursor:

    except SlackApiError as e:
        print(f"Error fetching messages from {channel_name}: {e.response['error']}")

    return messages

def main():
    # Set your date range
    start_date = "2024-01-01"
    end_date = "2024-01-31"

    # Initialize the Slack client
    slack_token = os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN')
    if not slack_token:
        raise ValueError("Please set the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN environment variable")

    client = WebClient(token=slack_token)

    # Get all conversations
    print("Fetching all conversations...")
    conversations = get_all_conversations(client)

    # Fetch messages from all conversations
    all_messages = []
    total_conversations = len(conversations)

    print(f"Found {total_conversations} conversations. Fetching messages...")

    for idx, conv in enumerate(conversations, 1):
        channel_id = conv["id"]
        channel_name = conv.get("name", "DM")  # DMs don't have names

        print(f"Processing {idx}/{total_conversations}: {channel_name}")

        messages = get_messages_from_conversation(

    # Convert to DataFrame for easier handling
    df = pd.DataFrame(all_messages)

    # Save to CSV
    output_file = f"slack_messages_{start_date}_to_{end_date}.csv"
    df.to_csv(output_file, index=False, encoding='utf-8')

    print(f"\nTotal messages retrieved: {len(all_messages)}")
    print(f"Messages saved to: {output_file}")

    # Print summary
    print("\nMessages per channel:")
    channel_summary = df.groupby('channel_name').size().sort_values(ascending=False)

if __name__ == "__main__":

How It Works

  1. Conversation List: The script fetches all channels and DMs accessible to the bot.

  2. Message Retrieval: It retrieves messages within a specified date range.

  3. CSV Export: The messages are saved to a CSV file for further analysis.

Step 4: Capturing Outlook Meetings

Finally, I needed to account for meetings. Using the exchangelib Python library, I wrote a script to pull calendar events and export them to a CSV.

The Script

from exchangelib import Credentials, Account
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_outlook_meetings():
    # Replace with your email and password
    email = os.environ.get("JIRA_EMAIL")
    password = os.environ.get('OUTLOOK_PASSWORD')

    # Connect to Exchange
    credentials = Credentials(email, password)
    account = Account(email, credentials=credentials, autodiscover=True)

    # Get calendar items for the last 30 days (adjust as needed)
    start_date = - timedelta(days=30)
    end_date = + timedelta(days=30)

    # Get calendar items
    calendar_items = account.calendar.view(

    # Prepare data structure
    meetings = []

    # Process each appointment
    for item in calendar_items:
        # Calculate duration in minutes
        duration = int((item.end - item.start).total_seconds() / 60)

            'date': item.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'time': item.start.strftime('%H:%M'),
            'duration': duration,
            'title': item.subject

    # Create DataFrame and save to CSV
    df = pd.DataFrame(meetings)
    df.to_csv('outlook_meetings.csv', index=False)

    return df

# Run the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    meetings_df = get_outlook_meetings()
    print(f"Exported {len(meetings_df)} meetings to outlook_meetings.csv")

How It Works

  1. Authentication: The script uses your Outlook email and password to authenticate.

  2. Calendar Query: It fetches calendar events within a specified date range.

  3. CSV Export: The events are saved to a CSV file.

What’s Next?

At this point, I had four CSV files:

  1. JIRA Tickets: All the tasks I worked on.

  2. Git Commits: All the code I wrote.

  3. Slack Messages: All the communication I participated in.

  4. Outlook Meetings: All the meetings I attended.

In Part 2, I’ll show you how I stitched these datasets together to create a comprehensive timesheet. Spoiler alert: It involves more Python, some data wrangling, and a little bit of magic.

Stay tuned, and remember: Laziness is the mother of invention.

What’s your least favorite chore as a software engineer? Have you automated it yet? Share your stories in the comments!