Reminder: When a C++ object fails to construct, the destructor does not run

If you need to run after a failed construction, you have to put it in a base class or member variable. The post Reminder: When a C++ object fails to construct, the destructor does not run appeared first on The Old New Thing.

Feb 2, 2025 - 11:48
Reminder: When a C++ object fails to construct, the destructor does not run

In C++, if an object’s constructor fails (due to an exception), destructors are run for the object’s member variables and base classes, but not for the object itself. The principle at play is that you cannot destruct something that was never constructed in the first place.

Consider this pull request:

com_timeout_t(DWORD timeoutInMilliseconds)
    : m_threadId(GetCurrentThreadId())
    m_cancelEnablementResult = CoEnableCallCancellation(nullptr);
    if (SUCCEEDED(m_cancelEnablementResult))
            &com_timeout_t::timer_callback, this, nullptr));
        if (m_timer)
            FILETIME ft = filetime::get_system_time();
            ft = filetime::add(ft, filetime::
            SetThreadpoolTimer(m_timer.get(), &ft,
                    timeoutInMilliseconds, 0);


    if (SUCCEEDED(m_cancelEnablementResult))

⟦ member variables: ⟧

HRESULT m_cancelEnablementResult{};
DWORD m_threadId{};
bool m_timedOut{};
wil::unique_threadpool_timer_nocancel m_timer;

The idea is that the constructor first calls Co­Enable­Call­Cancellation and reports the failure via err_policy::HResult(). In the WIL library, the err_policy defines how the caller wants errors to be reported.

  err_returncode_policy err_exception_policy err_failfast_policy
HResult(hr) with failure return hr; Throw an exception Terminate the process
LastErrorIfFalse(false) return GetLastError(); Throw an exception Terminate the process

When writing code in WIL, you pass each result to the error policy so that it can report the error in the manner the caller requested.

The code saves the result of Co­Enable­Call­Cancellation in m_cancel­Enablement­Result so that it knows whether it needs to call Co­Disable­Call­Cancellation at destruction to balance it out.

The tricky case here is if Co­Enable­Call­Cancellation succeeds, but Create­Threadpool­Timer fails. If the error policy is err_exception_policy, this throws an exception out of the constructor, which bypasses the destructor. This means that the Co­Disable­Call­Cancellation never occurs, and we leak a call cancellation.

If we want to clean up things that were done in the constructor, we have to ask a member variable or base class to clean it up for us.

In this case, one solution is to use the wil::unique_call to call a function at destruction.

namespace details                              
    inline void CoDisableCallCancellationNull()
} // namespace details

com_timeout_t(DWORD timeoutInMilliseconds)
    : m_threadId(GetCurrentThreadId())
    const HRESULT cancelEnablementResult = CoEnableCallCancellation(nullptr);
    if (SUCCEEDED(cancelEnablementResult))
            &com_timeout_t::timer_callback, this, nullptr));
        if (m_timer)
            FILETIME ft = filetime::get_system_time();
            ft = filetime::add(ft, filetime::
            SetThreadpoolTimer(m_timer.get(), &ft,
                    timeoutInMilliseconds, 0);

// ~com_timeout_t()
// {
//     m_timer.reset();
//     if (SUCCEEDED(m_cancelEnablementResult))
//     {
//         CoDisableCallCancellation(nullptr);
//     }
// }

⟦ member variables: ⟧

            details::CoDisableCallCancellationNull, false> m_ensureDisable{};
DWORD m_threadId{};
bool m_timedOut{};
wil::unique_threadpool_timer_nocancel m_timer;

The wil::unique_call calls the function described by its first two template parameters¹ at destruction. The third template parameter (default true) specifies whether the object should be initially active. You can put the object into the active state by calling activate(), thereby enabling the call at destruction.

We want to call Co­Disable­Call­Cancellation only if the Co­Enable­Call­Cancellation succeeded, so our unique_call is initially inactive.

Now, if there is an exception at construction, the member object m_ensure­Disable will destruct and call Co­Disable­Call­Cancellation if necessary.

Bonus chatter: Note that for err_exception_policy and err_failfastpolicy, a failure to enable call cancellation prevents the constructor from running to completion, which means that the corresponding destructor always disables call cancellation. This means that the internal bool inside the unique_call is always true, yet we consume data space for it and code space to check it.

If we wanted to optimize further by avoiding the extra bool and the code to test it, we could use a different helper class depending on the error policy.

struct WithCallCancellation

    WithCallCancellation(const WithCallCancellation&) :
        WithCallCancellation() { }


    constexpr bool active() { return true; }

struct WithCallCancellation
    WithCallCancellation() :
                CoEnableCallCancellation(nullptr))) {}

    WithCallCancellation(const WithCallCancellation&) :
        WithCallCancellation() { }

        if (m_active) {

    bool active() { return m_active; }
    const bool m_active;

com_timeout_t : private WithCallCancellation
    com_timeout_t(DWORD timeoutInMilliseconds)
        : m_threadId(GetCurrentThreadId())
        if (this->WithCallCancellation::active())
                &com_timeout_t::timer_callback, this, nullptr));
            ⟦ etc ⟧

The idea here is to take advantage of the empty base optimization (EBO) so that in the case where the error policy is not err_returncode_policy, we don’t waste space keeping track of something we know will always be true.²

This solution is probably overkill for com_timeout_t, which is a class that is expected to have a short lifetime, and certainly not expected to have thousands of instances.

¹ WIL was written when C++11 was the new hotness. If it were written today, we would use template to collapse the two parameters into one.

Bonus bonus chatter: Another option would be to reorder the operations so that Co­Enable­Call­Cancellation is done last. That way, if the call fails, the m_timer‘s destructor will clean up the timer. This is quicker, but it is also more fragile because somebody might add more initialization to the constructor later without realizing that the Co­Enable­Call­Cancellation must come last because we don’t have a member or base class to clean it up for us.

Bonus bonus bonus chatter: Removing the destructor from com_timeout_t activates the default move constructor and move assignment operator, but we don’t want that because the timer callback has already captured the this pointer. As part of removing the constructor, the second PR also explicitly deletes the copy constructor and copy assignment operator (which in turn suppress the move constructor and move assignment operator).

² If you can assume C++20, then you can make it a member variable with [[no_unique_address]]. But note special treatment for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler due to the ABI-breaking nature of [[no_unique_address]].

The post Reminder: When a C++ object fails to construct, the destructor does not run appeared first on The Old New Thing.