What a strange film this is... In this day and age of extraordinarily unhealthy celebrity obsession, it's hard to shake most people from their mindless fascination with the rich & famous, no matter what anyone says or does. While many films have attempted to address this already, none have ventured this deep into this realm of absolute madness. Modern day celebrity mania has reached full-on cult status - and this is literally what
Opus is about.
Opus is the feature directorial debut of
Mark Anthony Green, who has made a few short films before this and also wrote for GQ in his earlier years. His film features
John Malkovich starring as a mega famous, unquestionably loved pop star musician named
Alfred Moretti. While there are a few artists he could be referencing, let's say he's probably closest to Michael Jackson or Prince. He's just as eccentric, kooky, and totally ridiculous – which we discover when a group of music journalists get invited to visit his compound to experience his latest album after 30 years. There's much to chew on even if it isn't a great film. //
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