Cpp2 design notes: UFCS, “const”, “unsafe”, and (yes) ABI

Thanks to everyone who has offered bug reports and constructive suggestions for Cpp2 and cppfront. To answer common questions I encounter repeatedly, I’ve started a wiki with “Design notes” about specific aspects of the design to answer why I’ve made them they way they currently are… basic rationale, alternatives considered, in a nutshell. There are … Continue reading Cpp2 design notes: UFCS, “const”, “unsafe”, and (yes) ABI →

Feb 2, 2025 - 11:46
Cpp2 design notes: UFCS, “const”, “unsafe”, and (yes) ABI

Thanks to everyone who has offered bug reports and constructive suggestions for Cpp2 and cppfront.

To answer common questions I encounter repeatedly, I’ve started a wiki with “Design notes” about specific aspects of the design to answer why I’ve made them they way they currently are… basic rationale, alternatives considered, in a nutshell. There are four design notes so far… pasting from the wiki:

  • Design note: UFCS Why does UFCS use fallback semantics (prefer a member function)? Doesn’t that mean that adding a member function later could silently change behavior of existing call sites?
  • Design note: const objects by default Should objects be const? Mostly yes.
  • Design note: unsafe code Yes, I intend that we should be able to write very-low-level facilities in Cpp2. No, that doesn’t mean a monolithic “unsafe” block… I think we can do better.
  • Design note: ABI Cpp2 is ABI-neutral, but its immunity from backward compatibility constraints presents an opportunity for link-level improvements, not just source-level improvements.

The wiki also contains links to related projects. There are two of those so far:

Thanks again for the feedback and interest.